Ryan interviews Ryan

Clips from Ryan's mostly predictable back-and-forth with Ryan.

Ryan Q: Why did you chose a binder clip as your object?

Ryan A: It was on my desk and seemed to be the easiest object with which to work. I also liked the spring mechanics in this simple object.

Ryan Q: Speaking of like, what have you liked most about working with your binder clip?

Ryan A: I've learned that binder clips have personality and can do all sorts of things, whether falling within their intended use or beyond that. It's a powerful object and enormously useful.

Ryan Q: What have you found to be most challenging about using the binding clip as your object?

Ryan A: While I liked my object, I think other students in the class produced inspired studies, posters and icons related to their objects. My object left me in a bind.

Ryan Q: If you were to chose a different object, what would it be and why?

Ryan A: I've been thinking about my glasses. In search of visionary thinking and insight, glasses are an object that help you see. And, as I'm writing this, I wonder if glasses are a singular or plural object. A quick look up indicates that glasses are plural, but a singular pair.